Raw Chocolate Isagenix Balls

½ cup - Coarse, Germinated Almond Flour - (Soak 1/3 cup almonds for 12 hrs - until germinated - then process almonds in food processor until you gain a coarse flour ~ approx ½ cup. You can always make more and simply measure out what you need for this recipe.)
2 Scoops - Isagenix Isa-Lean
4 tbls - Raw Cocoa Powder
1 tbls - Raw Agave Nectar ~ OR ~ Raw Honey
1 tbls - Raw, Cold-Pressed Coconut Oil/Butter – They are the same thing. The oil is solid when cool and liquid when warm.
Sea salt – pinch
1) - Measure and mix all dry ingredients until combined.
2) - Add remaining ingredients and mix until fully combined.
3) - Use tablespoon to measure out approximately 10 balls.
4) - Roll each ball as you go.
5) - Chill or, if you can't wait, eat right away!
Everything is to taste. Remember, recipes are a guideline, not a rule. If something is crucial to the recipes success, I’ll tell you. Otherwise, personalize it - have fun, mix it up – enjoy!
Nutritional Facts for Raw Chocolate Isagenix Balls:
Serving size - 3 balls
Fat - 12 grams
Carbohydrates - 23 grams
Fibers - 6 grams
Net Carbs - 17 grams
Proteins - 13 grams
Almond Flour
~ Made pretty much the same as almond butter, only you don't add any oil and you stop while it's still slightly coarse.
~ My favorite way to make almond flour is simply to make almond milk and use the leftover strained/pressed almonds as my flour. This allows me to get more than one recipe out of the same almonds. Please note that the nutritional facts will be somewhat altered as part of the nutrients are now in the milk. See Almond Milk for instructions.
~ As you see, I don't dehydrate the flour prior to use as the moistness aids in the consistency of the Raw Chocolate Isagenix Balls. For those of you who already have almond flour on hand, you may need to add a little water, almond milk or more of any of the other wet ingredients until the desired consistency is achieved - not too wet, just enough to hold their shape.
Coconut Oil/Butter
~ It is liquid when warm, solid when cool. It is often easiest to combine with other ingredients when it is liquid. Simply set it in a warm part of the room until enough of it liquefies for use in your recipe. Remember, we don't want to actually heat it, as this denatures it so it would no longer be raw.
~ It is great in recipes that need a firmer consistency as once all ingredients are combined, you can simply chill it and the coconut oil/butter that is now throughout your dish will re-solidify and create a firmness in the rest of your dish.
Agave Nectar
~ Like many raw ingredients that are not purchased in the produce aisle, you actually have to see the word "raw" on the label or it is not raw.
~ I have found the light or regular agave nectar to be sweeter in flavor.
~ The blue agave nectar has a slight caramel flavor that is truly enjoyable, however, with the small amount that we use in this recipe, the flavor is lost. I have found that I preferred either the light agave or raw honey.
Isagenix Isa-Lean
~ This is a non-denatured whey protein base with additional nutrients and enzymes and natural flavors added. It is not completely raw, but is a good complete meal source for those seeking to add raw to their diet without becoming 100% raw foodists.
~ If you are comfortable using a raw, non-denatured whey protein powder - without any added ingredients - there are many on the market and we have additional recipes (including Raw Chocolate Whey Protein Balls) using only the non-denatured whey.
~ For our Vegan and Vegetarian friends, there are additional recipes using nut and flax proteins.
Food Processor
~ I travel a lot, so I use a Cuisinart Smart Stick w/ attachments. The chopper attachment is a food processor w/ a 2 cup capacity. This is great for me as I like to make things fresh and usually in small batches. When I make larger batches of recipes, I simply process each ingredient separately and place them all into a mixing bowl as I go. If you often do larger batches, you might prefer a processor with a larger capacity. There are many options available.
~ Not all food processors are the same. Play with yours to figure out what works best. Some can take all ingredients at once and just push the button while others need a little at a time and maybe a good shake to get the ingredients to combine. Don’t be afraid to tap it, shake it, knock it – if it can’t withstand this basic torture, it’s time to upgrade to a better quality unit.
If you don’t have a food processor
~ A blender will work as well, but it is best to use the almond milk/almond flour method or simply add a little water and then strain the almonds to have almond flour.
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